Mothers' Union
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Mothers' Union meets at 2.15pm on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Exact dates can be found in the programme above. All are welcome to attend.
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Diocesan Website:
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More info. on our Facebook page:
Diocesan Website:
National Website:
News for 2023/2024
At the AGM Meeting in January, Joan Simper was elected as Branch Leader, Helen Dickinson as Treasurer, and Freda Morrison as Secretary. Membership is open to all who support the Mothers’ Union aims and objectives and are baptised in the name of the Trinity.
MU started out as a Christian group to support mothers and families, and that remains at the core of our work and guiding principles, but we welcome anyone to join us whoever you are – you don’t have to have children, be married, be a woman, or be a churchgoer.
Most of our members are Branch Members, but you can also join as a Diocesan Member (if you are unable to attend meetings or do not belong to a particular church). You can also join as a Friend if this type of support best represents your interests. Either way you are always welcome to attend any meetings if you wish.
For more info and how to join, please email: [email protected] (For further details visit:
The “Transformation – Now!” theme is continuing from last year for the next two years, covering this triennium. Resources can be found on the MU website:, including theme resources, prayers, reflections and activities.
In her new year message, our CEO Bev Jullien writes that she has been inspired by the resilience shown by so many and the continuing focus of our members, whatever challenges they have been facing themselves, to support those in their communities in greatest need. There have been so many stories of help provided by members – for instance, to foodbanks, practical gifts for those in hospitals, love and care for prisoners and their families, and those in refuges – to name just a few. More info here:
We began our new programme in September with our Holy Communion Service led by Revd Valerie Kilner.
October 11th: Talk by Paul Woodbridge – “Getting in Step with God”.
November 8th: Sallyann Ford – Waterways Chaplain.
Saturday November 25th: 10am Children’s Society Christmas Coffee Morning, St Mary’s.
Saturday November 25th: Vigil & Banner Witness for 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, Ely Cathedral.
December 10th – 12th: Ely Diocese Wave of Prayer.
December 13th: Ruth & Jeremy James – Christmas Recital.
January 10th: AGM.
February 14th: Margaret Graves – Life as a Publican.
Friday March 1st: World Day of Prayer.
March 13th: “Easter Reflection” – Revd. Ruth Holmes.
April 10th: MU Worldwide Day Lunch 1pm. Approx 2pm Service followed by Talk from The Ven Hugh McCurdy.
May 8th: Revd. Carol Avery – talk on “Mary’s Child”.
Tuesday May 21st: 10am-2.30pm Quiet Day, Yaxley Parish Church.
June 12th: Talk by Reps from “Christians Against Poverty”
Friday June 21st: 3-5pm Diocesan Garden Party, Bishop of Ely’s Garden.
Monday 1st July: 2pm Littleport MU Afternoon Tea, St George’s Church, Littleport.
Saturday 6th July: 10am-12noon Cathedral MU Coffee Morning, Cathedral Centre.
July 10th : Branch Tea Party.
August: No Branch Meeting.
August 1st – 14th: MU Banner Festival, Lady Chapel. Ely Cathedral.
Friday August 9th: Mary Sumner Day Service 11.30am, Ely Cathedral.
September 11th: Holy Communion Service led by Revd. Karen Burnett-Hall.
Friday 25th October - Sunday 27th October: Weekend Retreat to Highgate House, Northants.
Monthly Thursday Prayer in Ely Cathedral, usually every 3rd Thursday, 10.30-11am, followed by refreshments in The Almonry.
MU started out as a Christian group to support mothers and families, and that remains at the core of our work and guiding principles, but we welcome anyone to join us whoever you are – you don’t have to have children, be married, be a woman, or be a churchgoer.
Most of our members are Branch Members, but you can also join as a Diocesan Member (if you are unable to attend meetings or do not belong to a particular church). You can also join as a Friend if this type of support best represents your interests. Either way you are always welcome to attend any meetings if you wish.
For more info and how to join, please email: [email protected] (For further details visit:
The “Transformation – Now!” theme is continuing from last year for the next two years, covering this triennium. Resources can be found on the MU website:, including theme resources, prayers, reflections and activities.
In her new year message, our CEO Bev Jullien writes that she has been inspired by the resilience shown by so many and the continuing focus of our members, whatever challenges they have been facing themselves, to support those in their communities in greatest need. There have been so many stories of help provided by members – for instance, to foodbanks, practical gifts for those in hospitals, love and care for prisoners and their families, and those in refuges – to name just a few. More info here:
We began our new programme in September with our Holy Communion Service led by Revd Valerie Kilner.
October 11th: Talk by Paul Woodbridge – “Getting in Step with God”.
November 8th: Sallyann Ford – Waterways Chaplain.
Saturday November 25th: 10am Children’s Society Christmas Coffee Morning, St Mary’s.
Saturday November 25th: Vigil & Banner Witness for 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, Ely Cathedral.
December 10th – 12th: Ely Diocese Wave of Prayer.
December 13th: Ruth & Jeremy James – Christmas Recital.
January 10th: AGM.
February 14th: Margaret Graves – Life as a Publican.
Friday March 1st: World Day of Prayer.
March 13th: “Easter Reflection” – Revd. Ruth Holmes.
April 10th: MU Worldwide Day Lunch 1pm. Approx 2pm Service followed by Talk from The Ven Hugh McCurdy.
May 8th: Revd. Carol Avery – talk on “Mary’s Child”.
Tuesday May 21st: 10am-2.30pm Quiet Day, Yaxley Parish Church.
June 12th: Talk by Reps from “Christians Against Poverty”
Friday June 21st: 3-5pm Diocesan Garden Party, Bishop of Ely’s Garden.
Monday 1st July: 2pm Littleport MU Afternoon Tea, St George’s Church, Littleport.
Saturday 6th July: 10am-12noon Cathedral MU Coffee Morning, Cathedral Centre.
July 10th : Branch Tea Party.
August: No Branch Meeting.
August 1st – 14th: MU Banner Festival, Lady Chapel. Ely Cathedral.
Friday August 9th: Mary Sumner Day Service 11.30am, Ely Cathedral.
September 11th: Holy Communion Service led by Revd. Karen Burnett-Hall.
Friday 25th October - Sunday 27th October: Weekend Retreat to Highgate House, Northants.
Monthly Thursday Prayer in Ely Cathedral, usually every 3rd Thursday, 10.30-11am, followed by refreshments in The Almonry.
Members and guests attended St Mary’s MU Annual Overseas Day on 9 March.
After an enjoyable lunch, a talk was given by Irene Porter, our new Worldwide Links Officer.
She showed some slides and spoke about our Diocesan Links within other countries: including our special MU Links with Lusaka in Zambia; Shyogwe in Rwanda; Sokoto & Ikka in Nigeria; and Karimnager in India (as well as the Ely Diocesan Links with Kigali & Vellore). She brought along some crafts from places she had visited in Africa. A total of £160 was raised which will go to MU Worldwide Funds.
After an enjoyable lunch, a talk was given by Irene Porter, our new Worldwide Links Officer.
She showed some slides and spoke about our Diocesan Links within other countries: including our special MU Links with Lusaka in Zambia; Shyogwe in Rwanda; Sokoto & Ikka in Nigeria; and Karimnager in India (as well as the Ely Diocesan Links with Kigali & Vellore). She brought along some crafts from places she had visited in Africa. A total of £160 was raised which will go to MU Worldwide Funds.
Ely Deanery Lady Day Service took place on 25 March at Holy Trinity Church, Haddenham.
It was led by Canon Stuart Mitchell, a retired priest from Clare, now living in the Deanery. Revd Jackie Metcalfe, Curate at All Saints Milton, gave an inspiring reflection about Mary’s responses to Jesus at the different stages of his life – and thinking about our responses to God’s calling in our lives. Members were given sachets of seeds to take away and plant as a symbolic offering of our willingness to be transformed in vision and service, and as an affirmation of our faith that all things are possible with God. It was lovely to gather together and celebrate the “Feast of the Annunciation”. Fellowship continued after the service with enjoyable tea and cakes, served by Haddenham Mothers’ Union. A retiring collection raised £110 which was sent to Mary Sumner House to further the work of the MU Worldwide.
It was led by Canon Stuart Mitchell, a retired priest from Clare, now living in the Deanery. Revd Jackie Metcalfe, Curate at All Saints Milton, gave an inspiring reflection about Mary’s responses to Jesus at the different stages of his life – and thinking about our responses to God’s calling in our lives. Members were given sachets of seeds to take away and plant as a symbolic offering of our willingness to be transformed in vision and service, and as an affirmation of our faith that all things are possible with God. It was lovely to gather together and celebrate the “Feast of the Annunciation”. Fellowship continued after the service with enjoyable tea and cakes, served by Haddenham Mothers’ Union. A retiring collection raised £110 which was sent to Mary Sumner House to further the work of the MU Worldwide.
“Celebrating 145 years of Mothers’ Union” Garden Party.
Many of us were able to meet up in July at the Garden Party held in the Bishop of Ely’s garden: “Celebrating 145 years of Mothers’ Union”. We were blessed with fine weather and enjoyed afternoon tea together. Bishop Stephen spoke encouragingly about the work Mothers’ Union had continued to do, and Hazel Williams updated us with the latest MU news. There was a card and gift stall, a Worldwide Links display, and a raffle was held. Together with donations and raffle proceeds, £286 was raised for MU Projects.
Many of us were able to meet up in July at the Garden Party held in the Bishop of Ely’s garden: “Celebrating 145 years of Mothers’ Union”. We were blessed with fine weather and enjoyed afternoon tea together. Bishop Stephen spoke encouragingly about the work Mothers’ Union had continued to do, and Hazel Williams updated us with the latest MU news. There was a card and gift stall, a Worldwide Links display, and a raffle was held. Together with donations and raffle proceeds, £286 was raised for MU Projects.
16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence campaign: 25 Nov-10 Dec.
This is an international campaign that takes place each year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Mothers’ Union Members around the world support the UN Campaign which calls for an end to all gender-based violence – violence carried out most often against women and girls because of their gender. MU in the Ely Diocese held a Silent Vigil & Banner Witness at Ely Cathedral, with a campaign display, prayer tree, and exhibition of “Souls of Our Shoes”.
This is an international campaign that takes place each year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Mothers’ Union Members around the world support the UN Campaign which calls for an end to all gender-based violence – violence carried out most often against women and girls because of their gender. MU in the Ely Diocese held a Silent Vigil & Banner Witness at Ely Cathedral, with a campaign display, prayer tree, and exhibition of “Souls of Our Shoes”.
We held our Annual Overseas Day in March, which raised £160 for MU work overseas. After an enjoyable lunch, there was a short service, followed by a very interesting illustrated talk by our speaker Gill Uttin, the Ely Diocesan Worldwide Links Officer. She talked about our Diocesan links with countries overseas. These included Karimnagar, India and in Africa- Sokoto, Ika, Shyogwe and Lusaka. It was very inspiring to hear how hard MU members overseas work in sometimes extremely difficult circumstances. Many thanks to all who came along and supported the event, and to members for providing refreshments.
At our February meeting, we had an interesting talk from Barry Griffiths about Jimmy's Night Shelter, Cambridge. For over 20 years, Jimmy's has been providing help for the homeless in Cambridge. They work with the local community, volunteers and partner agencies to deliver 24/7 emergency accommodation and supported housing for those who would otherwise be homeless or vulnerably housed. In the last year, they have worked with over 400 different people, supporting them through positive changes and have helped over three quarters of them resettle into more suitable and stable accommodation, leading them towards an independent lifestyle.
We had an enjoyable afternoon at St Mary's MU Tea Party in July, and welcomed guests from Haddenham, Stretham and Wilburton. £130 was raised for the work of the MU.
The Annual Overseas Day was held at St Mary’s Church in April. Branch Leader, Joan Simper, welcomed members and guests to the meeting. After an enjoyable lunch, there was a short service, followed by a very interesting illustrated talk by our speaker, Sue Claydon from March. She spoke about her time working with the VSO in South Sudan, which was both a challenging and rewarding experience.
(The Mothers’ Union is a Registered Charity No.251394)
Diocesan Website: